Abstract Preparation Instrux
Closing Date 17th August 2025
We invite abstracts within the topics of "Variant Effect Prediction" for poster presentation by the closing date of 17th August 2025.
As this is a training course there is no time in the program to accept oral presentations from abstracts. Accepted abstracts will be accepted as posters or "video poster" presentations.
Accepted Posters will present their poster during the scheduled poster session at the end of Day 1.
Please follow the instructions for preparation of your abstract and submission below.
Instructions for Authors
- To be considered for inclusion in the scientific programs, authors must submit their abstracts online before the stated deadlines. Late submissions will not be accepted.
- Abstracts must follow the formatting instructions to be included in the program book.
- The Organising Committee reserves the right to decide on the acceptance and presentation of all abstracts. Successful authors will receive notification regarding oral presentation schedules.
- Presenting authors must complete their registration by 31st August 2025 for their abstracts to be included in the publications.
We DO NOT publish abstracts from anyone not fully registered or attending the Course.
Formatting Instructions
Please download the formatting instructions and prepare your abstract before submitting it.
When you are satisfied you have formatted your abstract correctly, please submit your abstract via the Google Form.
Before your submit please make sure to include:
• The title of the abstract
• Authors
• Author Affiliations
• Abstract
©2024 Variant Effect Prediction Training Course 2025. All rights Reserved.